We must repent and restore American constitutional self-government
Tom Hoefling
Civil government is of God. He instituted it as a force for the restraining and punishment of evil in a fallen world, one which will be needed until He comes again and destroys evil. The scriptures are quite clear about this. You can read Genesis chapter 9 and Romans chapter 13 for yourself.
Americans were, at the beginning of this republic, almost entirely professing Christians who understood all of this quite well. For all their faults, they did set up functioning civil governments that more or less reflected a moral, biblical model. All officers of that government were, and are, required constitutionally to swear a sacred, solemn oath before God to uphold moral, constitutional, republican self-government.
Why is the great American experiment in self-government beginning to fail? It's so simple. It's because the people, including the professing Christians, have lost their fear of God. They have abandoned basic morality. They have become corrupt oath-breakers. They put other corrupt oath-breakers into public office. They reject the Lord's sovereignty over all things, and sneer at those who continue to advocate for just, righteous, decent politics.
Without repentance, there is no hope for our country, or for our children and grandchildren. And that repentance, not just in words, but in deeds, must start with those who name the Name of Christ.