Ukraine, give God the glory, and depend solely upon Him
Tom Hoefling
Deep down in their hearts, both the radical American Left and the Trumpish so-called "Right," very much want to appease the dictator of Russia, war criminal Vladimir Putin. They're hedging their words very carefully at the moment, but it's right there between the lines of everything they say, if you know how to listen. They're just waiting for their opportunity to once again gain the political ascendency.
As costly as it is to them and their country, the Ukrainians should thank God that they're forced to fight their own war, without NATO or American boots on the ground. Because, depending on the United States to fight your battles for you, long-term, has been, for many throughout the history of the last century, a losing proposition. Ask the Poles, or the South Vietnamese, or the Afghans, or the Iraqis, or the Kurds. They'll tell you. Swings in American public opinion and politics make it an unreliable ally in long wars, in far too many instances: especially for those in the most dangerous circumstances, militarily, geographically, and geopolitically.
If I was advising the Ukrainians, I would tell them to get everything they can out of the West. But, don't put all your precious eggs in that basket. Technology can only get you so far. In the end, all you can truly depend upon is yourselves, and, more importantly, upon Almighty God.
"Slava Ukraini," they say with justifiable patriotic pride. But, the only way that real glory, and security, can come to Ukraine is for Ukrainians to give the glory to God, and to rely entirely upon Him to defend their land and people. The West is not your savior. Only Jesus is. Depend upon Him, and continue your glorious fight, against the invaders from the east, and against the appeasers, in faith.