The "Pro-Life" Flat Store
by Tom Hoefling
It's time for American Christians to stop playing a rigged game that is costing tens of millions of innocents their lives.
A very long time ago, I was a fifteen year old street kid from a very broken family who ended up working on the carnival for ten years. I'll have to tell you all some stories some time. I've got some good ones.
But one story will have to do for today.
In the carnival game business back in the Seventies there were still a few that were flat out rigged. Carnies called them "flat stores." The sort of thing that had a hidden kicker to make the ball pop back out of a wooden "bucket" every single time the operator wanted it to.
That's what the abortion business in America is. A bloody flat store. On the surface, it looks like there are "two sides" fighting against each other, the pro-abortionists and the pro-lifers. But, it's a complete scam. Even when what I call "Pro-life, Inc." "wins," it loses. Every single time. They are in practice nothing but shills for the abortionists. And that's true because the statutes they pass through our legislatures, long before they ever reach a court, have already surrendered the only real moral, constitutional, and legal argument against permitting the mass murder of innocent babies. And these lawless statutes that they pass are all done within the framework of the fallacy of judicial supremacy. So, not only are they certain to lose every time, they're double certain to lose every time. Even if the operators let them "win" once in awhile for effect, at best, all they end up with is come cheap, useless trinket.
Tomorrow, the "Supreme" Court will hear oral arguments in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, which involves Mississippi's "15-week" "pro-life" "law."
Emblematic of fifty years of utter failure, with this case the "pro-life" side, as usual, walks into court having already surrendered the only real moral, constitutional, and legal argument against abortion, which is constitutionally-required equal protection under the law for the supreme God-given, unalienable individual right. And they are still completely bound by the continued destructive misimpression that the court has sufficient governmental authority to continue to authorize mass murder. It's so predictable as to be a farce.
This lawless "law," which in effect ends with "and then you can murder the baby," is not going to change anything, inside or outside of the courts. That's true because most American Christians remain either ignorant or morally compromised when it comes to abortion. And their Republican/National Right to Life political "leaders" like it that way. It's how they make their money and win their votes from ignorant or morally-compromised Christians.
There is once again a lot of "pro-life" and media hype going around about this case. Both sides need to raise money, I guess. But this Mississippi law is a bad joke. It does nothing good. It should not be praised by the church. It's a bad tree which cannot possibly produce good fruit. All an abortionist has to do if he wants to keep killing, and making mountains of cash, is lie on some paperwork, or not even file. He, a mass murderer by profession, is given, by "pro-life" (Christian?) statute, the role of judge, jury, and executioner, without due process for the victim. There is no due process of any sort before the execution. This "law" denies that process to the innocent child. If it stands, with the imprimatur of the court, that serves to do nothing but continue the demise of the principles of due process and equal protection under the law for the supreme God-given rights of all people in this country.
Please, just stop it. Abolish abortion now, in spite of the courts. The Christians in this country have the political power to do so, if they will simply stop playing an obviously rigged game and thereby supporting evil. Demand that your executive officers and legislators provide equal protection for all persons, as God and our Constitution require.